Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sunset Over Boulder

Sunset Over The Foothills, stained glass mosaic (framed), 24" x 48", 2016
Available for Sale:

Having lived in Colorado since the beginning of 2012 I have seen many beautiful sunsets over the Boulder foothills.  Some of the really good ones were actually seen from the car, driving between Denver and Boulder or Boulder and Lyons on the way back from the Rocky Mountain National Park.  

That kind of moment in the car is like having front row seats to a world-class light show. You just sit there and take in that fleeting magical color display as the color of the mountains changes.  Everything in the foreground begins to blend in and become one, making way for the show the sun has in stored for you. I am sure many people have had the same experience in many corners of the world. Sunsets don’t wait for us to find the perfect moment and place to admire them from, they happen despite our timing so we gotta keep our eyes open for that fleeting beauty wherever we are.

When surrounded by such beauty, you don't always jump at the photo op, especially if you are stuck in a car, sometimes you just look.  I've seen many incredible sunsets in Boulder and rarely took the opportunity to capture it in a photo.  This mosaic is an impression that I carry with me.  I just flip through the many beautiful memories I have and there it is, a compilation of my favorite Boulder View, glowing in blue with bursting sunbeams lighting up the clouds.  This is why so many people fall in love with Colorado.

The mountains are made with Kokomo Glass, hand cut by me.

The trees are also hand cut with those same tools as well as using Kokomo Glass.

The sky is created using Bullseye Glass.

The mosaic is custom framed. 

 Angle view with the sun spotlighting the glass beautifully.